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On-demand, Non-stop Service

Vehicles travel point-to-point in response to passenger demand and network loads, eliminating irrelevant stops along the way, with generally no fixed timetable. Magnovate vehicles thus wait for people.

Seamless Networks

Passengers are seamlessly routed between urban Local Area Networks (LANs) and high speed intercity Wide Area Networks (WANs).


Inclusive Speed


Vehicle Option

Airplanes have very high intrinsic speed but weather delays, missed connections, and first/last mile travel can turn a 3 hour trip into an all day journey. Magnovate offers near aircraft speed with the possibility of ‘landing’ next door at the nearest Metro station.

Larger Service Area

Instead of building one high cost line many low cost connections are distributed throughout a region vastly broadening the service area. Because stops don’t penalize travel times Magnovate networks allow more frequent station placements which provides many more convenient access points for passengers.

Cars offer relatively attractive inclusive speed despite having low intrinsic speed because they can go from point A to Z without mode change. Magnovate’s combination of high intrinsic speed and seamless non-stop service yields unparalleled inclusive speed, thereby expanding the functional size of cities and providing more access to good jobs and affordable housing.

Express vehicles provide personalized service in privacy and comfort.

Private Vehicle Option

High Inclusive Speed

High Intrinsic Speed


Intrinsic Speed


Capital Cost

Lightweight vehicles allow the use of low-cost, lightweight guideways. Economies of scale are achieved by repetitious mass-production of standardized pre-cast components. Low labor requirements, less wastage and less volume of building materials further contribute to cost savings. Short construction times result in lower project financing carrying costs, quicker revenue generation, and faster ROI.


ROW Cost

Many existing rights-of-way can accommodate the tiny footprint of Magnovate’s elevated guideways. That translates into much lower ROW costs , especially in urban and suburban commuter settings where land costs are high.


ridership revenue

Network effects

Frictionless drivetrains with no moving parts cut energy and maintenance cost and avoids the financial burden of a speed-maintenance penalty which conventional HSR is subject to. Guideway maintenance is practically non-existent, regardless of speed. Automation eliminates the substantial labor cost of drivers.


revenue streams

Broader network coverage and higher station density provides rail owners with more opportunities to offset capital cost with Transit Oriented Development. High density communities generate enormous property tax revenue and create value capture opportunities such as Tax Increment Financing to offset capital cost.

On-demand, non-stop service attracts more ridership by overcoming the biggest pain points of mass transit. The ability to build more high density developments around stations further boosts ridership.

Network Effects

More Ridership Revenue

Low O&M Cost

O&M cost

Low ROW Cost

New Revenue Streams

Network growth is driven by a virtuous circle of benefits. With inexpensive infrastructure and ROWs the cost to grow the network is linear while the value created and captured grows exponentially.


Increasing the commuting radius of a city opens up new opportunities for affordable housing and brings rural people within reach of good jobs.


Low Capital Cost

Low Capital Cost

Passenger Benefits

Rail Owner Benefits

Current mass transit is fragmented. It relies on different technologies for urban, commuter, and inter city travel.

Surveys consistently show that many consumers shun mass transit due to inconveniences. People do not want to wait for long stretches on uncomfortable platforms, for slow trains, especially if they then suffer overcrowding before walking, waiting, and transferring to another mode.


Magnovate offers passengers numerous benefits that address consumer resistance to mass transit.


Passenger benefits include:

Despite 150 years of development, the global rail industry still relies on the same archaic platform and has no genuine alternative on the horizon.

Cities that wish to alleviate congestion with rapid transit must choose from an oligopoly of rail vendors that charge enormous prices for outdated technology. Prohibitively high infrastructure costs sharply inhibit new rail construction in the face of increasing demand on every continent. Poor economics prevent most rail projects from securing financing. Those that do get built rely on government subsidies.


Magnovate’s technology offers rail owners numerous benefits that address the barriers to implementing and operating profitable rail systems.

Rail owner benefits include:

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