Transit system
and electric propulsion experts
We've developed transit systems before
Led the South Korea urban maglev program from concept to commercialization
Directed the General Atomics urban maglev program
Secured $100 million in funding from the FTA for the General Atomics urban maglev program
Led the Raytheon automated transit network demonstration program
Built the world’s largest automated transit network
Led the Incheon Airport Urban Automated Maglev deployment
Led the design of monorail vehicles for Bombardier
Built a linear synchronous motor capsule pipeline system, with instant magnetic switching capabilities, for transporting bulk mining materials
Designed and implemented a bespoke door opening system for autonomous transit pods
Developed a dynamic moving block automated control system

Maglev and Electric Propulsion Experience
Developed a 633mph maglev rocket sled which holds the world maglev speed record
Built the world’s only full-scale permanent magnet maglev
Invented the world’s first instant electronic maglev passive switch
Led the Superconducting Supercollider (SSC) project
Commercialized maglev ventricular assist devices
Designed and built a bespoke hybrid electric motor for Uber Elevate
Developed the world’s most powerful permanent magnet linear synchronous motor
Developed 12 propulsion projects for NASA
Designed a maglev satellite launch system for the US Airforce
Developed electric motor technology for Airbus, Boeing, Lockheed Martin, Rolls Royce and the US Army and Navy

We're Magnovate
A team of engineers and urbanists united by the mission of improving quality of life by accelerating the next major advancement in mobility.
We’ve taken a systems level approach to developing a breakthrough mobility platform that is faster, safer, more economical and user-friendly than any ever built in the world.
Magnovate is the lynchpin of a consortium that includes several multi-billion dollar international industrial leaders; all working together to realize our vision of a world where people and goods move as seamlessly as information on the internet.