the Future of Mobility
Cheaper, faster transportation has always been a tremendous catalyst for economic growth and wealth creation.
From the first commercial steam train in 1830 to Henry Ford’s mass produced automobiles in 1908, the continual introduction of new transport modes allowed our cities to grow exponentially and, therefore, improved our standard of living by multiplying opportunities to access good jobs and affordable housing.
For more than a century, we lived off the legacy of rapid innovation.
Unfortunately, over the last 50 years there have been no radical advances in transportation technology that are both practical and affordable to implement.
Why Magnovate
Transit system and electric propulsion experts
Our engineers have commercialized four cutting edge autonomous transit systems, from concept to full-scale implementation. We’ve built a 633 mph world record breaking rocket powered maglev sled and developed electric propulsion projects for NASA, Uber Elevate, Airbus, Boeing, Lockheed Martin, Rolls Royce and the US Army and Navy.

the way we move and live

Lower Cost
Lightweight modular infrastructure reduces implementation cost by up to 80%

Higher Revenue
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High-speed, on-demand, non-stop service attracts more passengers
High-speed, on-demand, non-stop service attracts more passengers
High-speed, on-demand, non-stop service attracts more passengers

Higher Revenue
High-speed, on-demand, non-stop service attracts more passengers

Higher Profits
Higher ridership, new revenue streams, and low operating costs combine to yield higher margins

Higher Profits

Zero Emissions
Electric vehicles can be
powered by any source of renewable energy

Energy Efficient
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High-speed, on-demand, non-stop service attracts more passengers
Frictionless propulsion dramatically reduces energy consumption
Frictionless drives dramatically
reduce energy consumption
Frictionless drives
dramatically reduce
energy consumption

Energy Efficient

Fast to Build
60% faster to build than conventional transit

Fast to Build
Maglev Packet Switching
Network Architecture
Our revolutionary instant electronic switching technology enables an unprecedented new network configuration for transit; one that is conceptually similar to Internet traffic management and benefits from the extraordinary capability of that system to transmit data efficiently.

Oriented Development
Transit Financing
Magnovate networks offer more ways for rail owners to create and capture value from TOD. We're leveraging the inherent networks effects of our mobility platform to enable agglomerations of sustainable communities that promote a higher standard of living.

Climate Change Mitigation
Powered by
renewable energy
Electric vehicles are propelled by a silent, frictionless and highly energy efficient powertrain that can run on any source of renewable energy. Solar panels mounted on stations or above the guideways can supply much of the system’s day-to-day power requirements.

Magnovate Vehicles
the Passenger Experience
Magnovate vehicles offer faster door-to-door trip times than air travel for many regional trips. For travelers who prefer business class, our premium express vehicles are designed for privacy, comfort, and productivity.

About Magnovate
Magnovate was founded to accelerate the next quantum leap in ground transportation. Our breakthrough mobility platform is the only transit system that offers high-speed, on-demand, transport of people and goods between urban and regional networks.
We’re using our mobility platform as a catalyst to create sustainable communities of the future that are healthier, cleaner and more affordable - where owning a car is an option, not a necessity.
Committed to the principles of sustainability, our objective is to develop projects in a manner that reflects the United Nations' Brundtland Commission definition of sustainability: “meeting the needs of the present generation without sacrificing the ability of future generations to meet their own needs”.
Get in touch to explore how we can meet your transportation needs
Breakthrough Mobility Platform
and Affordable
Magnovate’s breakthrough technology transforms maglev from an expensive novelty propulsion system into a low-cost flexible platform that enables multiple interoperable product lines.

Increasingly Larger Projects
North America's
First Commercial Maglev
Magnovate and the Toronto Zoo are collaborating to build North America's first maglev system on 5.6 km's of existing guideway. Over the next 5 years Magnovate will execute a series of strategically timed projects ranging from slow-speed last mile systems, to urban, commuter and high-speed inter-city systems.